Here’s our updated company profile.
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Now Nepal Police is utilizing ComLASER’s hand-held Lidar!
Source :
Contact point in Nepal for ComLASER
Albelo Multi Trading Pvt. Ltd.
Dhanawantari-20, Jwagal, Lalitpur-44700, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Tel: +97715261522, Mob: +9779851079371
ComLASER goes to INTERTRAFFIC 2021 (Amsterdam) where ComLASER’s newly-developed core products are to be exhibited.
Stand No. is 12.801 (Hall No. 12 #801)
RSVP for meeting at Intertraffic 2021 in Amsterdam
We’re pleased to inform that TPCAM H20 hand-held laser camera product is newly released!
For more detailed information of TPCAM H20, please pay a visit to
Thank you for your attention!
ComLASER has exhibited its “world-first 4 lane speed scanner” at ROTREX 2019 exhibition held at Kintex, Korea from 25 thru 27 Sep, 2019.
You’re more than welcome to see our exhibition video clip where you can enjoy our “world-first 4 lane speed scanner” operations.
ComLASER has exhibited its core products at International Photonics Convergence Trade Fair 2019 held at COEX, Seoul, Korea from 26-28 Aug, 2019. You can find the details from the below video clip. Thanks.
You can review the updated TPCAM H10 (Hand-held Laser Camera) documentary & video presentations with WiFi printing function from the below URLs.
Documentary Presentation URL
Demo Video with WiFi printing function